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Do you have difficulty expressing yourself?

Do you want to sing but you feel that your voice is not suitable for singing?

Do you dream about expressing yourself fully but you feel that something is blocking your voice?

Or maybe you sing but you don’t feel the joy of singing and want to rediscover it?

Dear Friend,

If you answered ‘yes’ even to just one question, it means that your voice is waiting for you to be felt again, to be discovered, to be heard, to have your relationship rebuilt, and to be loved.
What is voice? Scientifically speaking, our voice is created when a stream of air from the lungs encounters the vocal cords and vibrations are produced which, combined with the activity of the tongue, teeth, and mouth, generate sounds.

But not only that. Our voice is first and foremost US. Voice is an extension of our self, of who we are. Voice is our natural, primary, and direct channel for self-expression. If we are unable to express what is inside us clearly and courageously, we suffer. If we feel that we have a blockage in our throat and some invisible hand clenches our larynx when we want to express something important, we begin to feel emotional pain, which may often turn into physical pain or even illness.
There are many reasons for such blockages and in my coaching work I often meet people who want this blockage to disappear, so that this invisible hand stops squeezing the larynx. That is why I decided to create a course that will teach you how to get in touch with your voice, or how to establish a relationship with yourself through your voice.

Listen to your heart, feel and sing

In today’s world, it has become accepted that singing belongs only to celebrities performing on stage. Unfortunately, this is one of the most limiting and hurtful stereotypes I have observed. Let’s look at young children, before they learn to walk, they dance, before they learn to talk, they sing. It wouldn’t occur to a small child to analyse whether their voice is correct, pretty and whether anyone likes it at all. They feel and want to express that feeling for the sheer joy and curiosity of expressing themselves. There is no place for fear, inhibition, or doubt. There is action dictated by spontaneity.
Unfortunately, adults have lost that spontaneity while growing up, and courage has shrunk and hidden somewhere as a result of various life situations in which we have heard “don’t sing,” “kids don’t have a voice,” “be quiet,” “don’t make noise,” “don’t fake it,” etc.
I do not agree with this approach. Singing is our natural potential for self-expression, and I believe that, as the classic words say:

Anyone can sing
And even more!
Everyone should sing

When and why did we let ourselves believe that if we sing, it’s only like Beyonce or Adele?
During the course, you will not only learn how to get in touch with your voice to express what is calling out in you, but you will also go beyond your comfort zone, break your fear, say NO to stereotypes and maybe for the first time in your life share your voice as the most valuable treasure waiting to be discovered.
Allow yourself to hear your voice.

Feel, hear and love your voice


My name is Sandra Maria, I am a vocalist and certified voice coach (Modern Vocal Training), but most of all, a friend who wants to help you discover your voice.
Although I have been singing since I can remember, for many years I sang automatically and without passion. There was no heart in my singing. At one point I stopped singing altogether and as an adult I decided to go to college to study chemistry and devote my life to a scientific career. However, life wanted otherwise. Over 8 years ago, I experienced a trauma related to my personal life. This event led me to asking myself if I wanted to continue living this way. I realized that I had to change something to live more fully, more consciously, more joyfully, and to be closer to myself. I started to look for the meaning in life again. Along with entering the path of search, creativity and old passions began to awaken in me. After a few years off, I returned to singing. Singing was no longer the same as it used to be, it was joyful, fresh, there was passion in it and most of all the desire to share this joy with others. I found my voice again… And I found myself. Fate smiled at my awakened passion and put people on my path who became an inspiration for me in my work with the voice. Inspired, I decided to inspire as well. I’ve bet everything on one card and followed my heart. I just wanted to sing and help others rebuild their relationship with their voice. I retrained and became a vocal coach.

This course is the result of my love and passion. I want to be your inspiration along the way in finding your voice.

I am here to support you, not judge you


This course is a six-part journey with voice. Initially, it took the form of an on-line interactive six-week journey for women. This time, I decided to give it a new, totally self-contained form and invite men to join in as well. So that everyone can do the course at their own pace and time in the comfort of their home. The course will gradually introduce you to how to get in touch with yourself, by establishing a relationship with your voice.
In the first phase you will make conscious contact with your breath, then with your body, and in the culminating phase with your voice. The course work is mainly based on mindfulness practice. By practising mindfulness, you will learn to feel, hear and accept your voice. Because acceptance of the voice is acceptance of ourselves.

This course is for you if:

You desire to know your voice or want to rebuild a relationship with your voice

You want to overcome your fear of expressing yourself

You want to give your voice meaning

You want your communication to be clear and clearly reflect what you want to communicate

You feel that you want to get to know yourself from a new, unknown side

You want to feel joy, freedom, and pleasure in expressing yourself through your voice


The course comprises six modules, each featuring:

Creative tasks aimed at deepening your self-awareness, gradually establishing a connection with your voice, and encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone.

Ideally, each module is designed to be completed within one week, allowing for the coverage of all six modules over a six-week period.

At the beginning of each module, we will meet online (via Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp) to discuss the module, its practices, and your progress, as well as to address any feelings or questions you may have.

The course includes seven half-hour sessions.


BREATH IS THE BODY OF VOICE – Becoming friends with your breath is the first step to becoming friends with your body and then with your voice because our voice is our breath. Main practice: Sitting with a breath

THE BODY IS AN INSTRUMENT – Our entire body, not just our vocal cords, is our instrument, and the condition of our voice is a product of the condition of our body and spirit. Main practice: Body Scanning

HEAR YOUR VOICE – When you start to listen to your voice, you start to feel its power. Main Practice: Mindfulness of the voice

FEEL YOUR VOICE – If we don’t aspire to professional singing, let’s give ourselves the sweet taste of the freedom to sound our own way and enjoy it, because singing is as much a pleasure as dancing, walking, laughing, or watching sunsets. Main practice: Mindfulness of the voice.

FEEL YOUR VALUE / LOVE YOUR VOICE PART 1 – Bringing your value to life by communicating and singing with the intention of sharing your beauty with the world. Main practice: Mindfulness of the voice

Find Courage / LOVE YOUR VOICE PART 2 – Look at your fear and say: I see you, I know you are here and you have a right to be here, you have a right to exist, you are not a stranger to me, you are a part of me but still I want to do it – this attitude is courage in itself. Main practice: Mindfulness of the voice.

What it takes

Notepad and pen, working recording device (recorder) on phone or another device

Curiosity, enthusiasm, and a little discipline

How much time to allocate to the course?

Morning mindfulness practice of at least 10-20 minutes a day

“Reminder” about a minute a day

Honour your week: about an hour per week, or more if you have a time


When I signed up for the “Feel, Hear and Love Your Voice” course, I thought I was embarking on a journey to find my voice. Along the way I found not only my voice – I found myself, my body, my unattached emotions and a circle of girls who, although initially strangers, think and feel like me. I could sign subscribe to almost every sentence when they talked about themselves, their work on themselves, their fears, limitations, sorrows, and joys. Our weekly meetings on Zoom went on longer and longer each week as it became harder and harder for us to part. The course forced me to stop and look at myself. Seemingly simple tasks were not so easy to do, but they gave me inner peace and… tenderness towards myself, which means, on the one hand, reacting to my needs and, on the other hand, not judging them. It is a wonderful feeling. Thank you, Sandra.

Ewa Mroczek

When I heard from Sandra about her course “Feel, hear and love your voice”, I knew it was something for me. I checked with myself to see if I had the time and emotional space for it to fully engage. I felt that I would be there to discover something important for me.
The title alone inspired me as it has an element of exploration and experiencing rather than learning. Having been traumatised by music lessons in primary school, it was very important to me not to be graded! I was delighted that, as I suspected, there was nothing imposed in the course, and it was a pure journey of discovering my voice. Sandra took care of every aspect and held an accepting space for the whole group. It was important for me to celebrate each module for myself as well as sharing my journey with a wonderful group of women. We were able to hear each other, acknowledge each other without judgement, and ultimately get to know each other and be together during the Sunday Zoom meetings. This space supported the process of transformation. After 6 weeks of being in mindfulness with my voice, exploring what power it holds, I discovered its various qualities, from the power in the quiet to the loud one from my guts and the one that is no longer ashamed to sing in its unique way in the company by the fire. Through the journey with the voice, Sandra actually invites you to get to know your authentic self. Spending time with myself every day in mindfulness, those small steps that I sometimes wanted to downplay are really the key in this course that ultimately led me into a close relationship with my voice. I no longer say that I can’t sing, now I know that I just sing uniquely.

Ewa Kasprzak

I wholeheartedly recommend the “Feel, Hear and Love Your Voice” course.
This is a wonderful six-week journey into the inner self. A tender and gentle process that has made me feel my soul and body even better and understand how unique and special my voice is. Now when I hear the sound of my voice, I don’t criticize it, I don’t judge it, I just delight in the fact that it is unique, and I feel grateful that I have it.
The entire course is designed to gently guide you through the process of getting to know yourself. Everything is done in an intimate atmosphere, and the support from the participants is priceless! Many of the techniques I learned during the course will stay with me forever. I still practise daily meditation, chanting and exercises and I see great results. I am very grateful that I could be a part of this wonderful project.

Agnieszka Swierniak

“Feel, hear and love your voice” is a wonderful course created by an amazing woman. Not only did Sandra share techniques of working with the body, meditation and working with the voice but she also created a beautiful space, a women’s circle, in which each of us found a piece of herself and support in the whole group. We met every day meditating and shared our experiences every Sunday. For me it was an unforgettable healing journey. Our voice is the most perfect instrument, created to heal and transform ourselves and the space. I am grateful to Sandra for the course she created for us and for her supportive presence at every stage of our journey.

Joanna Słaboń

I highly recommend Sandra’s program to literally anyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional singer or someone who has a tin ear (as I perceived myself) because you will embark on a very intimate and adventurous journey inside yourself. Get ready to discover things you didn’t know existed inside of you. Get ready to discover your own uniqueness. Get ready to explore unprocessed emotions. Face your fears. Step outside your comfort zone. And discover the hidden power of your own soul by connecting with your body and the vibration of your voice. For me personally, it has been a very profound journey that has helped me to let go of shame about my own voice, to better understand the vibration of the sound of my voice, to begin to use my own voice for my own healing and that of others, to begin to enjoy singing and celebrating the power of my own voice!

Aleksandra Wawrzyniak

The course created by Sandra fell into my hands at the best time for me, when the lump stuck in my throat was pinching 24 hours a day. During the course it began to dissolve until it finally disappeared. Throughout the 42 days of the course Sandra is a support every day, and Zoom meetings are in the best company, where you feel the sisterly power. Each day is fruitful in new discoveries of oneself and finally the power of one’s voice. The course is so good that I now repeat it with pleasure, drawing my shy daughter into its secrets. Thank you, Sandra, for letting me get to know you so wonderfully and giving me the gift of self-recognition.

Paula Depta

Sandra’s course found me at the right time. Anyway, there are no coincidences!
I have always wanted to learn how to sing, but I didn’t expect that the course would give me so much more – awareness of myself, not only of my voice. Thank you, Sandra, for organizing this wonderful thing, as well as all the participants – wonderful women, for your support and just being together.
I heartily recommend it to all women!

Aleksandra Domanska

From start to finish, the “Feel, Hear and Love Your Voice” course is beautifully thought out and written with and to the heart. It begins beautifully slowly to build up intensity during the six weeks, which is just enough time to find your voice, feel it, and finally express it in a beautiful and safe group of women. Ever since, we have known each other so well, trusted each other and felt each other’s support. We feel no embarrassment, shame, or fear of bringing out that newly discovered voice. I recommend this course to everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Ellie Ela Cullen

Price: EUR 174

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