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Vocal Lessons

“Connect, Feel & Sing”


A holistic approach to human voice, combining Modern Vocal Training, body/mind relaxation and breathing techniques.

Suitable for teenagers and adults. Available on-line.


I truly believe that everyone has potential to sing, that our voice is our natural gift for self-expression, and when treated with care, love and respect, it will repay us with the same. Trusting our voice means trusting ourselves.


In 45-minute session, I’ll be your gentle companion on a journey of self-discovery. Together, we’ll uncover your abilities and stretch your boundaries with warmth and care.

You’re going to breathe and sing, but most of all you’re going to connect with your true essence through one of the most loving acts of self-care – through allowing your voice to become the authentic version of itself.


All techniques used in sessions are adapted to client’s abilities and needs.

Price: €30

Voice Workshops

“Feel Your Voice” is a workshop created to help you discover and unleash your authentic voice in an atmosphere of fun, within a friendly and supportive environment. Over the course of a few hours, we channel all our energy towards being present in our own, unique sound—whether in singing, whispering, silence, shouting, the body, voice meditation, sharing your truth, or stepping beyond the comfort zone.


It’s a time to embrace your inherent spontaneity, courage, creativity, and simply be yourself—free from any judgments! This session is perfect for individuals seeking greater confidence in expressing themselves through their voices. The “Feel Your Voice” workshop is exclusively available during summer festivals.

Feel Your Voice Sessions

Experience the “Feel Your Voice Session”, a 60-minute journey that invites you to explore the beauty of your voice from the comfort of your own space.


As your guide on this adventure, I’ll help you discover the sensation of feeling your own voice—your unique vibration—and guide you in building a harmonious relationship with it. This session is not a substitute for therapy but an opportunity for you to delve into the joy and pleasure of your authentic sound.


I’ll lead you through techniques that encourage an understanding of your own vocal expression. Join me in the exploration of the pleasure of singing and the joy of connecting with your voice. Book your “Feel Your Voice Session” and unlock the delightful world of your unique vocal resonance.


Suitable for adults. Available on-line.

Price: €50




Do you want to discover the potential of your voice and overcome the fear of expressing yourself? Do you want to get to know your voice or rebuild your relationship with it?


I invite you to the world of self-discovery through the voice.


In the first phase, you will consciously connect with your breath, then with your body, and in the culminating phase – with your voice. The work in the course is mainly based on mindfulness practice. Through practicing mindfulness, you will learn to feel, hear, and accept your voice. Because accepting the voice is accepting ourselves.


Click here to learn more about the course


My name is Sandra Maria and my life is dedicated to singing and working with voice.


I’m a vocalist, who after years of passionless singing, has learned how to sing freely from the heart and really enjoy it. I’m a certified Modern Vocal Training coach whose teaching methods combine holistic and contemporary voice training techniques. I’m a facilitator of various voice and singing workshops. I’m also a friend who can help you to find your own voice and build singing confidence coming from the authentic passion of your heart.


Welcome to the land of Heart Singing.


Sandra Maria.

Music & Projects

I’m Your Dirty Sacred
Voice Workshops
“Immersions” by Sandra Maria & Emiji
